PUBLICAE.AI´s Convergence of Neuro-Ethical Rights with 1 Billion Politicoin (PBLC) Preemptive Donations

15 min readJul 20, 2021

Recently it is becoming evident to us, how institutional and private capital forces are affecting the digital world: as businesses and large corporations through their brand affections steadily conquer an ever-larger portion of our collective attention. All the while, this occurs as humanity naively and obsessively continue to interact on their big-data harnessing machine learning driven platforms, without a second thought given, regarding if we as users, feel they have our own best interest at heart.

This unfiltered manifestation of individualism, in every corner of our social fabric, has finally and earnestly, at last come to grow into an unsustainable parameter for their endless economic growth. Even so, the status quo is continually being upheld, even very much so by Nation States themselves, a last-ditch attempt at power consolidation as the sheer large numbers of our global population continually becomes evermore so fragmented and uncontrollable. Hence, it is only through their own implementation of Artificial Intelligence in public governance, that they stand a chance to seemingly combat their own inability to effectively govern their legitimate institutional official positions. Those are the same powers at work, which enforce their norms of accepted behaviour, over our fragile minds. Thus, as we all willingly approve of our addictions, to instant hormonal gratification, triggered by their likes, mentions, and follows, humanity has as finally and utterly been reduced to an inorganic audience of pure data, wherein fake authenticity rages as the only viable option of identity, as such disregarding and concealing any other possible objective alternative narrative that existed before we entered blindfolded into our current Post-modern Metaverse reality.

The Democratization of Consciousness

Hence the increasing public debate, on advances in brain-computer technologies and the threat they pose, should come as no surprise to any of us. Its ethical vanguard, proponents of new brain-data regulation, point to the many real and perceived threats that such technologies present to our individual autonomy and cognitive sovereignty. Scientists and leaders have expressed concerns about how brain tech could cause hallucinations, potential abuse of information by corporates, discriminations which potentially can fuel systematic racism. The reasoning goes; that if this kind technology is not regulated on time, we will likely relive our current situation within the social media sphere, whereas our personal information is up for grabs to the highest bidder, in their endless socially constructed attention-to-profit conversion economy.

As these issues gain attentive traction, in a broader sense of public discourse on privacy rights and personal freedoms, these questions will continue to emerge at the forefront digital-content ownership rights, whilst confusingly also overlapping our expectations of new fields of inter-disciplinary research efforts into BCI`s. Currently, such efforts are mostly financed by private Neo-liberal market forces, cash is King and your mind is their subject.

Hence, as innovative designers, developers, and scientists grapple with this subjective matter, it must behoove us all; to take a step back and objectively assess the psychological and spiritual bottomless abyss in our minds, the darkness which we all are currently collectively staring into, with no light in sight which we can follow in order to retrace our path, back to any sense of common normality or. objectively perceived reality!

The good and the bad

PUBLICAE.AI is in this respect, raising the epistemic ethical alarm, regarding eclectic pioneers as the like of Elon Musk, and his intrusive brainchild NEURALINK. In these terms, as they are set forth by their mission statement, the betterment of mankind, only comes second place to their corporate incoherent commercialised profit driven motives and interest above all else. For PUBLICAE, there is no greater perceived risk to the liberty of the human mind and sense of political emancipation, than the acceptance of the unregulated development of invasive brain technology!

As this threat is currently progressing, with full steam ahead, and without any civic regulation whatsoever, the situation is much worse than one might expect to see at first glance. What should worry mankind, is not the fact the powers that be; allow the continuance of merchantilization and commodification of any and all emerging new technologies, that is nothing new under the sun. Yet the fact, that we are all allowing this progress to go ahead with eyes wide open, is truly the greatest ethical war of minds as yet to be fought!

War Mind
Anthony Freda Art

Thus, the facts remain undoubtedly clear; that all this is occurring BEFORE humanity has even reached a complete understanding of the nature of our consciousness, and the endless mysterious intrinsic relational aspects to its metaphysical origin. Even still, that issue also becomes much more amplified as we also fail to address the collective need all humans have to understand any transcendental dogma-free ontology of our spirit or souls, before it is too late to even talk in peace with each other.

Every one of us, are responsible for our own finite mortal potential for self-realisation, yet when this unique chance is left unchecked, to the whims of others, the very definitions of our animate minds gets thrown under the proverbial buss! Thus, we all are guilty, of erroneously accepting that our collective social interests are safeguarded by technocratic psychonauts, ill-founded imaginary engineers and AI Black Boxes, such which remain hidden out of sight or the range of our rationality. All this in the name of human wellness, meditative enhancements and tech-induced mystical spiritual insights, solely based on “harmless” neuro-feedback techniques.

On the other side, we do indeed find those people who suggest that ‘Neuro-Rights’ become enforced globally, to regulate how people’s unique brain-data is accessed and used, by those wielding their economic non-consensus tech-over might over the masses. These neurological human rights, hence include a right to free will and mental privacy, the foundational cornerstone of any legitimate democratic power!

Why do we care so much?

Why would PUBLICAE, a politically neutral NGO care about these issues you may now ask?

Firstly, it is vital for our community and supporters to understand; the value proposition of the Politicoin (PBLC) ERC20 utility token, as it is an added value, in the general attention economy. Our main goal is to deliver a worlds-first platform, for uncensored free speech, political activism, and enhancement of human capabilities through technological utility aimed at neutral “awareness diversification”. Our efforts are thus carried out towards a specific end-goal, wherein a collective authentic experience, of our objective reality, is related to PUBLICAE´s users, without the limitations imposed by the many lies of cultural relativism or fake assumptions of ethical dualism.

Our usage of philosophical ethical terminology henceforth, is thus aimed at revealing; how all too often, such ambiguous usage of language has only benefited the historic demands of private organisational efforts or public institutional legitimacy for upholding societal structures as proclaimed as a natural given part of the invisible yet non-existing social contract. Such public epistemological actions, totally disregard, how the employment of technocratic bureaucracy and suggestive meritocracy in public governance, discriminates against personal cognitive convictions and physiological freedoms of choice. Hence, any deviations from the “normal” swiftly become deemed as “unfavourable” to current free-market forces and society at large.

Hence, regardless of how the market tends to extrapolate irrational arguments, for the continued individualistic importance of free actors in relation to the structure, their self-proclaimed beneficial ethical standards of never-ending status-quo, utterly lacks in any saving grace of their own accountability, towards their respective populations!

There should henceforth be no more cognitive dissonance, when we hereafter engage in the following discourse overshadowed by the wealth of tacit knowledge, which only dares to show its ugly face, whenever we try take a public critical stance against monopolistic hegemony over our common need for freedom of thought and expression!

Hence toward this very end, it shall remain herein as a crucial effortless undertaking; that PUBLICAE will contribute to enhancing the possibility of all human freedom thought, such that our collective desire to access brain-computer technologies, promotes political unity and ethical variations only when it serves to amplify our collective neurological faculties for the better, in a safe and secure manner, accepted by all democratically.

For better or worse, we still feel dutifully obligated in our task, not out of a delusional quest for virtue, but out of respect for our fellow humans and for all the great minds that came before us! As such, the following insights must serve the greater good, by strengthening of compassion for the weakest and most afflicted in our societies, not to become yet another misused tool for aggravating inequality.

Thus, we act now, so that even unto all those who seek “justified true beliefs”, their peace of mind to do so, shall not ever be at risk of being infringed upon! As such, they should all have the rights to attain the peace of mind they seek, earnestly based on a new structural reality, wherein the equalitarian foundation of ethical norms, governing humanities spiritual and psychological full capacities, becomes the prevailing manner of conduct, even across dividing borders of our Nation States.

If you are reading this and still wondering what the hell is going on, we will start with the basic definitions, then progress to how can help you.

a) Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication link between the human brain and an external computation device; its applications include mind-controlled computer games, speech replacement and lost motor function ad-hoc utility. The main components of BCI are reading the brain activity and translating it to computers, it thus gives humans the ability to directly control machines, without the physical constraints of the body.

b) Invasive types of (BCI) are implanted directly into the brain during neuro-surgery. There are single unit BCIs, which detect the signal from a single area of brain cells, and multiunit BCIs which detect from multiple areas.

c) Noninvasive brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device that allows users to send messages or commands to devices, friends, family, or others through direct, noninvasive measurement and translation of signals from brain activity.

d) Neural signatures, can be defined as whole-brain multivariate predictive models that are sensitive and representing specific predictors of a target psychological process. Neural traits are thus much like a neural “fingerprint”, and have been used to reveal sources of individual neurological differences.

e) Neurofeedback is a kind of biofeedback, which teaches self-control of brain functions to subjects by measuring brain waves and providing a “feedback” signal. Neurofeedback usually provides signals by means auditory and or visual feedback input.

f) Electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity on the scalp that has been shown to represent the macroscopic activity of the surface layer of the brain underneath. It is typically non-invasive, with the electrodes placed along the scalp. Electrocorticography, involving invasive electrodes, is sometimes called intracranial EEG. Most commercially available EEG products are non-invasive

Based on the above breakdown (a list not exhausted in its detail), we can conclude that the following #NeuroRightsGospel which we preach, is about the need for fair and dutifully regulated standards for brain technologies. Nothing less than a new set of Human Rights for our creative species!

Scientists are thus already very busy in both private and public sectors, working on algorithms to decode and analyse the data from a wide range of different types of brain scans, with the hope of building AI computer models that can interpret a person’s mental state, and even change it on command, your future is currently in their hands, not yours!

How benefits from BCI`s

The technology is still in its initial development stages. However, it holds excellent potentials. Here are a few outstanding benefits that users and utility providers such as could harvest from the global yet to be launched big-mind-data EEG marketplace.

· Innovative technology — Proper utilisation of previously non-passive devices on networks with previous restricted access to data.

· Telepresence bilocation — Using robots to make one’s presence felt at a remote location, or streaming through AR and VR technology. This will help reduce suspicious activities on the platform. It will also make the interactions more personal and practical.

· Preventions of mistakes, inaccuracies, and accidents — BCI devices will recognise cognitive errors, such as logical fallacies in the human brain and correct them as per algorithmically predesigned ethical rules within milli-seconds, thus preventing its detrimental effects to mental health.

· Anti-Manipulation or Manipulation — EEG which is at risk of external manipulation, is the matter which PUBLICAE seeks to offer a resolution for in order to ensure humanity at large, regarding the safety of its EEG, AR & VR technological efforts.

“A new study has revealed; that virtual reality (VR) boosts brain activity that may be crucial for learning, memory and even has the potential of treating Alzheimer’s, ADHD and depression. After monitoring the animals’ brain activity with tiny electrodes, researchers from the University Of California Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered electrical activity in a region known as the hippocampus differed when the rodents were placed in real-world and virtual reality environments. When rats walk around normally, electrical activity in the hippocampus neurons appears to synchronise, at a rate of eight pulses per second (8Hz). Pulses at this frequency are generally known as ‘theta waves’, with a stronger theta wave rhythm seeming to improve the brain’s ability to learn and retain sensory information. And when placed in a VR environment, the rat’s theta waves became considerably stronger. adding that different theta rhythms may represent how brain regions communicate with each other to process this information.

All this indicates that scientists may be able to manipulate human brain rhythms in VR — not only to boost learning, but also treat memory-related disorders ranging including ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and depression. This means, in short; manipulating the sensory information available in VR could drastically impact how your brain works.

For PUBLICAE, it is now important for our audience to imagine or visualise, that if this can be done in VR, the same natural laws of physics also apply to human physiology in AR and during either invasive or non-invasive EEG sessions, all this is now already possible in our commonly shared and “naturally” perceived 3D reality!

PUBLICAE´s Anti-Deception Marketplace

Our team realises the risks involved, and we are dealing with them accordingly, to ensure that the technology we offer is harmless, and that its effects remain emancipating for our users within our ecosystem. We accordingly, exactly as we wish to be treated, we will treat others! Those who will become our end users inn the end, we will endow them with the right to mental privacy and liberty of free thought.

None of the Neuro-data PUBLICAE will collect, will be used outside of our platform, and even within the platform, the user will have complete control of how their data is utilised. Therefore, as we previously were selling EEG headsets, we believe that it is now rather a time for ethical consolidation, of our own values, before we venture onwards with the development of our Open-Source AI driven EEG-DATA Decentralised Blockchain Market.

As some of you good people, right now as you are reading this; declaration of Human Rights as a #Liberty4All call to (imaginary arms), still your hearts are heavy and your minds feel overly and all-encompassing worried, about your own authenticity and safety of mind. Don’t forget to pause and ponder, the possibilities of letting Big-Tech or Governments loose on that mid of yours, as wild beats they stad ready to devour our collective thoughts, our dreams, our intuitions and every form of innate spiritual capacity of our souls.

Allowing the structures of the old world order, into the deepest corners of your as of yet unmapped brain, the outside world, will effortlessly and forcefully reach a position of utter unchangeable control of any kind of mind altering experiences! Those same people, that routinely change their power and profit driven priorities and values, to better position themselves, ever do so only in the direction against the common good for future generations. As such also firmly they stand together, in complete disregard of the negative impacts which their social controls entails, as they all have allowed the technologies to be developed which soon will be out of our control, thus what will remain of all that which you individually deem as beautiful and natural, will never again be the object found only in the eye of the beholder!

Unnatural Spiritual Experiences

These are the profit driven seeking economic growth at all cost, they who grab all opportunities for exploitation of all free actors in the marketplace, they are the people that would take advantage of peoples innate and birth given right for spirituality, those people are not as you might think, few and far in-between in this world!

It must therefore be fully clear to any of you, whom understand what your spirit says, as confusing externalities of signal inputs are always by their nature, personal to your own minds! Even such, which are natural and “benign in nature” as they at times present visions, revelations, dreams or epiphanies of quintessence, even such may at times feel as mysteriously spiritual and vague. Yet when the unleashing of intense tech-based meditation experiences, or deceptive mind altering manipulations take place, they can confront even life-long practitioners with weakened psychic stability, and even worse for some people, bring on temporary events of psychosis. Hence users of EEG tech, should always carry out their personal mind-altering experience with great care and planning.

As mentioned, even though tech-assisted spiritual states of mind, can in some cases be practically unhealthy and unnecessary, the benefits of NON-INVASIVE technologies far outweigh the detrimental effects that AI assisted Invasive BCI´s pose to humanity!

PUBLICAE donates 1 Billion Politicoin (PBLC)

One might again ask; why PUBLICAE is so concerned with the current situation in the tech industry and the unregulated advancements toward invasive BCI´s? What it intends to do, is to support legislative efforts, such that may ensure humanities access to continued freedom of choice and freedom of mind!

Towards this very end, PUBLICAE will now donate a total of one billion Politicoins (1,000 000 000 ) of our utility token. Sum will be divided among 4 recipients which we deem as confronting crucial issues which converge with PUBLICAE´s goals in the evolving Neuro-Rights space.

These are, according to our research, the most relevant and benevolent players which seek the enhancement of the human mind, within a safe and secure manner, as new technologies are approached with an open mindset, with equally granted possibilities to every man, woman, and child.

Nr 1. Monroe Institute — The Monroe Institute is the world leader in human consciousness exploration. Founded in the early 1970s as an educational and research organisation by Robert A. Monroe who pioneered The Gateway Process which is a 1983 report about using a series of exercises to produce states of expanded human consciousness such as astral projection, outer body experiments, and other altered states of mind.

The Gateway — Astral Projection NFT / OpenSea

Nr. 2 In response to President Obama’s BRAIN initiative, Columbia University created the NeuroTechnology Center (NTC) in 2014. The interdisciplinary center includes faculty from the School of Arts and Sciences (A&S), the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), the Zuckerman Mind, Brain, and Behavior Institute (Z-MBBI) and the Kavli Institute for Brain Science. Our common goal is to develop methods to better understand how the brain works.

Nr. 3 The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) Its mission is to; catalyze, support, and disseminate research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources. FQXi therefore aims to support research that is both foundational (with potentially significant and broad implications for our understanding of the deep or “ultimate” nature of reality) and unconventional (enabling research that, because of its speculative, non-mainstream, or high-risk nature, would otherwise go unperformed due to lack of funding).

Nr 4. Spirit Science is about the harmonic merging of ideas that previously we have believed did not fit together. Things such as “Spirit” and “Science”, taking out all of the dogma and limitations that come with these, and unifying them together as One. It is the blending of Male and Female energies. The natural blending of our mathematical, logical understanding, and the emotional, magical, and spiritual way of life that have been separate for far too long. It is time for the Two to become One, once more.

The four following above mentioned organisations, will each receive 250 million Politicoins. As our intention is for their singular efforts, to enhance not only their own work and progress, but to also ensure, that even PUBLICAE receives the ethical oversight that we ourselves proclaim to live by! Update with TXs will follow in this article asap.

As this good news is published, will not until further notice release its previous or current work, not until further due diligence is achieved according to stated proclamations such that our intentions are fully ensured for shared future on this earth with our community and general humanity.

Following Declaration of Rights was signed 20th July 2021




A Decentralised non-biased political outreach tool powered by users and ethereum blockchain.